Monday, September 8, 2014

Are All Flooring Installations Created Equal?

A common misconception in the flooring industry is that all floor companies are created equal and the thing that sets them apart is price.

Price is important but is it the most important? Of course not. I've run across people that assume when you are comparing flooring that the price should dictate where they buy their floors. They assume if the floors are the same (same brand) that everything else is equal. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Good installers are hard to find. They need to have 3 traits that will make them good installers.
  • They must be reliable and show up when they are supposed to
  • They must be great at actually installing the flooring
  • They must be good with the customers. After all, they are in their house

You can find plenty of flooring installation contractors that have one or two of those traits but finding installation crews with all three traits is rare indeed. I've been in the floor covering business for over 37 years now and I've probably met 6 carpet installers that I would hire or use in my own home.

Beware the low cost flooring retailers and big box stores. They DO NOT hire the best. They hire by cost structure only. Is that who you really want in your home installing your new flooring. The lowest cost installation crews available?

Just something to think about......

Jeff Dean
Dover Floor Covering

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